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Ariot2 is the latest CD-ROM which
is available for purchase now.
Ariot3 is currently under development.
In order to purchase
the Ariot
CD-ROMs, please contact the Hebrew Studies Coordinator at your child’s
school, or Email
us, and mention the CD's code: 1CA1 (Ariot1),
The following guidelines will enable you to
download a sample demo of the Ariot 1 CD to your PC. This demo version includes
the letter “shin” only, one of six letters appearing on the CD and
included in the first workbook.
Click here to download the Ariot1 demo version.
1. Click the "OK" button when asked by the File Download panel to save
the file to disk.
2. Click the "Save" button in the "Save As" panel.
3. Click the "Open" button in the "Download Complete"
4. Click the "NEXT>" button in the ZipMagic Extract
AriotDemo Files panel.
5. Click the "Next>" button in the ZipMagic
Destination Directory panel.
6. Click the "Finish" button when the ZipMagic Extraction Complete
Panel appears.
7. Click the "Next>" button in the InstallShield
Wizard Welcome panel.
8. Click the "Yes" button in the InstallShield License Agreement
9. Click the "Finish" button in the InstallShield Installation Complete
10. Open your Desktop,
and double-click on the "Ariot Demo"
icon to start the demo.
The following guidelines will enable you to
download a sample demo of the Ariot 2 CD to your PC. This demo version includes
the letter “Tet” only, one of five letters appearing on the CD and
included in the first workbook.
Click here to download the Ariot2 demo version.
1. Click the "OK" button when asked by the File Download panel to save
the file to disk.
2. Click the "Save" button in the "Save As" panel.
3. Click the "Open" button in the "Download Complete"
4. Click the "NEXT>" button in the ZipMagic Extract
AriotDemo Files panel.
5. Click the "Next>" button in the ZipMagic
Destination Directory panel.
6. Click the "Finish" button when the ZipMagic Extraction Complete
Panel appears, .
7. Click the "Next>" button in the InstallShield
Wizard Welcome panel.
8. Click the "Yes" button in the InstallShield License Agreement
9. Click the "Finish" button in the InstallShield Installation Complete
10. Open your Desktop,
and double-click on the "Ariot Demo"
icon to start the demo.
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