TaL AM - Classroom Posters
Material Prices 2002-2003

Classroom Posters Code Item Price Quantity Cost
1. Alef Bet - Dfuss 1P-1A-B
2. Alef Bet - Ktav 1P-2A-C
3. Mi BaKita? 1P-3A-B
4. HaShavua 1P-4A-B
5. Eich HaYom BaChutz? 1P-5A-C
6. HaShana 1P-6A
7. Eich Omrim BeIvrit? 1P-7A
8. Eich Lomdim? 1P-8A-B
9. Ma HaTzeva? 1P-9A-C
10. Kama Yesh? 1P-10A-B
11. Shabbat VeParashat HaShavua 1P-11A-C
12. Kotarot HaNosi'm 1P-12A-C
13. Kartisei Shiyum BeDfuss 1P-13A
14. HaTikva 1SC-16A
Posters Guide No Charge

Prices are in $US
Your cheque should be received within 10 business days from the date the order was issued, so that we may process your order.
Shipping, handling and insurance charges will be added to invoice.