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Chapter 8 – Uninstalling Ariot


8.1 What are the ways to uninstall Ariot?

In order to uninstall Ariot, the Ariot program must not be running.


There are two ways to uninstall Ariot:

1.     When the CD is in the CD-ROM device and the Ariot program is not running:

Double-click on ‘My Computer’ icon, press with the right-mouse button on the CD-ROM device icon (the device that Ariot CD is in), and choose “Install or Uninstall Ariot” from the pop-up menu.


See: 8.2 What is the uninstalling process?


2.     Uninstalling without the CD:

From the ‘Start’ menu or from ‘My Computer’ choose ‘Control Panel’. In the ‘Control Panel’ Double-click on ‘Add or Remove programs’ icon. From the programs list choose “Ariot” and press the ‘Change/Remove’ button.



See: 8.2 What is the uninstalling process?


8.2 What is the uninstalling process?

When the uninstalling program starts, choose ‘Remove’ from the ‘Welcome’ dialog window. Press ‘OK’ on the ‘Confirm Uninstall’ dialog window.






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