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TaL Sela 2 TaL Sela 3 TaL Sela 4 TaL Sela 5 TaL Sela 6 theme
  The six units and the 32 accompanying graded supplementary readers, provide material for approximately seven months of Hebrew Language Arts instruction.

The Grade 2 Tal Sela Themes
Grade 2
Between Man and Himself Between Man and His Environment Purim Through the Ages From Bondage to Freedom The People and the Land

The organizing theme Between Man and Himself, covered in the first two units, deals with personal well-being, development and conduct according to the Jewish tradition.
Unit 1 - Be'Atzmi (By Myself)
This unit is developed from the point of view of a Grade 2 girl comparing her own strides towards independence to those of her baby brother.
Students explore concepts of independence in neatness and cleanliness; time organization; the balance between daily routine and special activities; suitability of clothing to season, events and activities; and family relationships.
The unit includes a poem, a comic strip, two songs, and six graded supplementary readers.
Unit 1 - BeTe'avon (Bon Appetite)
The student identifies his own taste in food and develops sensitivity and tolerance to the tastes of others. By means of a musical play he learns correct nutrition and how to compose balanced meals. Through the preparation of a meal in class he learns menu-planning; budgeting and buying food; identifying Kashrut symbols; preparing and serving a meal; laws and customs pertaining to eating; and table manners. In a poem and in a role play, students learn causes and effects of improper nutrition.
The unit includes a musical play, a story, two poems, a song, and five graded supplementary readers.

The organizing theme Between Man and His Environment broadens the concept of self, focusing on the environment and on traditional ways of celebrating the relationship between man and nature.
Unit 2 - Hag HaIlanot (The Holiday of the Trees)
Students plant trees, observe their development and compare conditions required for human and plant growth. Students observe the changes in the environment characteristic to each season and their effects on human activities. They compare the New Year of the Trees with Rosh Hashana.
The unit includes a comic strip, two songs, two poems, a story and six graded supplementary readers.

The organizing theme Purim Through the Ages focuses on the story of the Megila and on involving students in various experiences of Purim.
Unit 3 - Hara'ashan (The Gragger)
Hara'ashan teaches the story of Purim through the preparation of personal and class scrolls, acting out the story, and comparing different types of scrolls. Students follow a child with a magic Ra'ashan through his pre-holiday and holiday experiences with his family, friends, and in the synagogue; exploring concepts related to consideration of others, interpersonal relationships and to Purim laws and customs. 
The unit includes the story of the Megila, a story, two holiday songs, and five graded supplementary readers.

The organizing theme From Bondage to Freedom focuses on the historic background of Pessach and on how it is celebrated.
Unit 4 - Ha'Afikoman (The Afikoman)
This unit presents the story of the Exodus and the concepts of bondage and freedom by means of a musical play in the form of a Hagada for children and a variety of learning activities. A song and a poem present concepts related to Pessach preparations from a child's point of view, focusing on his own involvement. Seder concepts and the experience involved in "stealing the Afikoman are conveyed by means of a story, role-play, table games and creative writing.
The unit includes a musical play, a story, a poem, a comic strip, holiday songs, and five graded supplementary readers.

The organizing theme The People and the Land focuses on background information relating to Independence Day and develops the student's affinity to the Land of Israel and its people.
Unit 5 - B'yom HaAtzmaut (On Independence Day)
This unit presents the Songs and a poem present the flag, symbol, anthem and language of the State of Israel. By means of a filmstrip, students join two children on a visit to Israel, becoming acquainted with the country's landmarks and scenery. Through the story, they learn how and why Yom Ha'Atzmaut is celebrated in Israel and in their community, school, and class. 
The unit includes a filmstrip, a story, five songs and five graded supplementary readers.
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