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About us > [Mission]

TaL AM: Hebrew and Heritage Curriculum
TeLem: Curriculum for teachers training

TAL AM′s mission is to create a Hebrew and
Heritage curriculum in a unifying language and unique voices, to develop Jewish knowledge and identity in our learners, and to implement the curriculum through state-of-the-art professional development for their educators.

The goal of TaL AM is expressed in the acronym LYMUD (learning):

Lefateach - to develop
Our goal is to develop the evolving learners through a gradual process, with a holistic and spiralled curriculum implemented by skilled, creative and sensitive educators.

Yeladim Yehudiyim - Jewish children.
To develop the children's Jewish identity. We aim to develop the knowledge about and commitment to:
Am - people
Pride in being part of the Jewish people, understanding and accepting responsibility for Tikkun Olam, contributing towards improving life on earth.
Torah - Commitment to study, respect and transmit of the entrusted sources from generation to generation.
Israel - The land we came from and returned to. Recognizing the centrality of Israel in our lives. Lashon - Hebrew is our people's communication, identity and heritage language, and is essential for the authentic study of our sources. Education is learner-centred, focusing on the child, his interests and learning style by adjusting both content and methods of instruction.

Maskilim - literate.

The acquisition of cognitive knowledge of our sources and the development of a Jewish learner.

U'Mesurim bechol (and) committed

Emphasizing the affective exploration of and identification with their Jewishness.

Drachehem - their ways
TaL AM actively involves all frames of mind in providing each learner with the skills needed to function as a Jew in his/her daily life, integrating and synthesizing Judaism in a meaningful way.

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