Is composed of 3 distinctive units which reflect the main ideas of the Shabbat theme:
1. Bo'i Shabbat (Come, Shabbat) - Welcoming Shabbat in class and at home.
2. Oneg Shabbat (Celebrating Shabbat) - What's permitted and what's forbidden during Shabbat.
3. Shavua Tov (Good Week) - Farewell to Shabbat, Havdalah.
These units deal, respectively, with the preparations for Shabbat, the Mitzvoth of Shabbat and the
ritual of departure from the Shabbat on Motzaei Shabbat (Saturday night).
The units include: Blessings over the candles, the challa and the Kiddush for Shabbat.
The Shabbat Shalom unit is taught throughout the year and in parallel to Ariot and Shalom units, during
the periods of the year when holiday topics are not taught.
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Parashat Bereshit
Parashat Shmot
Parashat Vaikra
The Parashat Hashavua unit presents a first cycle for the study of the weekly Torah portion according
to the Jewish calendar.
The main goal in teaching the portion of the week is the development of habits for studying the Parasha, determining a time
for study of the Torah, and linking the words of the Torah to the life of the children today.
In teaching each of the portions, the focus is on two or three ideas and the values that these ideas represent.
The study of each of the Parashot commences with the first Passuk of the Parasha, moves on to two complete drawings which
describe one- to three main ideas in the portion, and Internalizes the content by the telling selected parts from the Parasha,
using the Big Book.
The Parashat Hashavua unit should be taught throughout the year, according to the Jewish timetable. The number of hours for
Judaic studies and the school's ideology should determine the allocation of time for teaching the Parasha:
1. Every day of the week.
2. Mondays and Thursdays - the traditional days for Torah reading - and on Fridays during the Kabbalat Shabbat ceremony.
3. On Fridays during the Kabbalat Shabbat ceremony.
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